Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Commitment is backfired in Brexit vote

The historic vote of Brexit is still the core of political maelstrom in the UK.

Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader, amended his statement partially. He said that it was not sure 350 million GBP of EU cash would be spent on NHS as he was deemed to have guaranteed. It led to citizens’ disappointment. I hardly believe he has a feasible plan to realize Brexit without troubles.

Independent: Nigel Farage backtracks on Leave campaign's '£350m for the NHS' pledge hours after result

Some British are saying that they hardly expected this result and are willing to retry the referendum, although they voted to Brexit.

Independent: Brexit reminds us some things are too important to be decided by the people

This article above also mentioned the disadvantage of direct democracy as I wrote before. The author assessed the referendum regarding the independence of Scotland as functional.

My past entry: Brexit and limitation of direct democracy

Also in Greece, a referendum was conducted a couple of years ago. The theme was whether they should adhere austerity suggested by the EU and IMF. Greece had been struck by depression due to continuous lacking of the national budget. Tsipras as a leader of a left-winged party resisted to the authority of the EU.

I wrote previously this referendum was meaningless. I predicted that the majority of citizens seemed to oppose austerity, and there will be no worth to gain a predictable result. However, Tsipras used the vote with effectiveness. Suggesting that many citizens are exhausted because of austerity, he made a negotiation with the EU. As a result, Greece successfully got more bailout from the EU with minimal stress. I underestimated his talent as a politician, to be honest.

My past entry: Greece to default by the silly referendum

My past entry: Greek people vote no to austerity

The reason Tsipras could handle the referendum is that he did not commit how to treat the result of the referendum. It is not sure he had made the scenario in advance. At least, he had the talent to manage the internal and external pressure for controlling expenditure.

By contrast, Cameron had declared that the government would accept the result of the referendum. He seemed not to have predicted the outcome of Brexit, but used the statement as a trump to sway temporally criticism against the government. After all, he had no choice but resign without any contingency plans now.

Making a commitment is crucial for politicians because persons who easily negate previous words must not be trusted. However, the modern world requires persons who are so swift to respond the changing situation. It is unrealistic, but also feasible for the UK to reconsider the decision of Brexit if they truly hope so, I think.

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