Friday, June 23, 2017

Overcome your anxiety

Anxiety disorder is one of the mental illnesses we encounter most frequently. It resembles depression because most depressive patients often feel anxious. But its dominant symptom is not a depressive mood but anxiety.

Anxiety is one of the human emotions we have to get along with since the ancient era. As we feel anxious, we can examine a plan to carry out the project. Anxiety makes you distant from potential dangers. Thus, this annoying emotion is essential for survival.

However, excessive anxiety is not only useless for your life but also harmful. Some patients cannot take a train because of the fear they encounter an accident. Hypochondriac patients check their physical status repeatedly, unnecessarily, and it leads them rather more anxious.

Researchers suggest anxiety disorder is also a serious disorder as well as depression. It lowers our productivity and even reduces life expectancy.

Then, how can we overcome anxiety?

Cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as medication, is said to effective to reduce your anxiety level. But there are not so many therapists available in the clinical setting. In Japan, few patients meet a specialist for proper treatment.

One simple but effective option against anxiety is not to address it. “Do it badly” is a strong strategy if you suffer from anxiety. Perfectionism is a common obstacle to keep you from relaxation.

The Conversation: Surprising ways to beat anxiety and become mentally strong – according to science

In this article above, you are recommended to “wait to worry,” as well as doing badly. Indeed, it is said that 90% of your worries are not realized. The rest 10% is to be addressed seriously. But it is not too late to treat it when you notice that they are real challenges.

It is also a good solution to worry about others instead of yourself. When you are in the cloud of anxiety, you cannot see other persons. When you think of others, you may be free from unreal fears of your surroundings.

In Japan, Morita therapy was born to overcome anxiety. Morita said that you have to let your anxiety as it is. His idea is consistent with the concept of mindfulness. I believe Morita therapy is one of the strongest option of treatment strategy of anxiety disorder.

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