Friday, July 11, 2014

Amazon takes only EUR 0.01 for delivery

Recently, I introduced a new legislation developed in France regarding book delivery fee. Its purpose was to protect independent bookstores from competitors such as

My past entry: Anti-Amazon Law rise in France

However, Amazon did not surrender to this rule. It set just 1 euro cent as the fee for delivery.

Telecompaper: Amazon stays in the law with 1 cent to book delivery charge

The amount of delivery fee is referred in this page in It demands EUR 0.01 for delivery of a package including books exclusively.

The Lang Law was deemed as a regulation to interfere Amazon. Some writers prospected that Amazon would claim that it takes delivery fees as a form of membership fees. Actually, the response from Amazon is more cool and aggressive. If the solution is justified, the Lang Law will be taken the backbone.

There are many examples of meaningless regulation. In general, the law is powerless against trick. Nothing to say that cunning crimes to violate social rules are execrable, however great inventions are often born from unconventional ideas. Though I understand the intention of the Lang Law, Franch government has to create some other means to maintain its traditional culture of bookstores.

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