Thursday, February 21, 2019

Teeth health predicts mental health?

Mental health care at an early stage is very important for better health in the future of each child.

Recently, an academic report was published suggesting the association between children's teeth and mental health. According to the media, the researchers revealed that children with thin tooth enamel in their six-year-old have problems regarding inattention and aggressiveness. Also, they are at risk for poor mental health later in life.

Independent: Mental health problems can be diagnosed using children’s teeth, scientists suggest

Many nations have a rule to examine children's teeth regularly as a public health activity. If the report is true, it is easy to refer the children at risk mental state to a specialist of mental health before the problem is deteriorated.

I have not read the original academic report about this issue. So, I have no idea about the validity of this finding. In my sense, some children with poor teeth are not properly nurtured by parents, typically neglected. Abused children are highly likely to be mentally ill.

It is also usual, I believe, dentists would suspect abuse by parents when examining children whose teeth are poorly treated. Therefore, the researchers should evaluate the influence of abuse as a confounder before justifying the finding. Anyway, it is important for practitioners not specialized in psychiatry to be aware of the mental health of the examinees.

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