Thursday, February 14, 2019

Misty Ruins, a fantastic indies board game

Recently I received a board game named "Misty Ruins." It was launched through gathering money via Kickstarter. I backed the developer, so I got it as soon as possible after the launch.

Misty Ruins looks like a typical dungeon crawls. Each player set a terrain tile, to go forward, slay the monster, purchase or get items, to strengthen their power.

But the goal of this game is not to conquer the dungeon.

Each player has forgotten their memory. Who you are, which is your talent, and where you came from are in the void. Remembering your originality is the ultimate goal of this game.

To remember your skills, you have to try yourself in several situation. For example, if you can defeat a monster whose power is three with your fist, your body combat skill is more than 2. There are a total of 16 candidates of your true figure. You have to identify which exactly matches your ability.

Also, any items have their origin. You may remember your home ground when you possess an item from your hometown.

These processes make this game suggestive and complex. Only for winning the battles, stronger weapons are better. But when you use a strong weapon, you can easily defeat any monsters. It means you hardly know your exact degree of combat ability.

This structure reminded me of a situation in reality. We often misidentify the power of our belongings such as a big company and social status as our own potential. But if I were alone without any supporters, what can I do?

Misty Ruins is an interesting and unique game. I have much fun with it.

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