Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Demonstration against security policy in Japan: Theory and practice

The argument regarding the security policy of Japan is approaching a corner.

On Aug 30, 2015, ten of thousands people gathered near Japan's parliament building to protest against the revision of security bills. The amount of the protesters reached 120,000, according to the organizer. This demonstration is one of the largest ones in Japan.

Reuters: Huge protest in Tokyo rails against PM Abe's security bills

The cabinet submitted the bills that would enable the self-defense force to set foot in the battlefield, which has been prohibited based on the current policy. This change is consistent with the approval of the collective self-defense.

Abe administration has interpreted the article nine of the constitution as permitting the use of the troop based on the collective self-defense. This revision of the bills is aiming at the improved collaboration with the US and other allies' army.

My past entry: Japan has right of collective self-defense

However, the protesters seem to be worrying about the risk of being involved in the war. Some people insist that Abe is considering to invade other countries similar to the WWII. Others are concerned about the raised risk that members of self-defense force will be endangered. There is also a claim that Abe's policy is breaching the spirit of the constitution.

Self-defense force is a very sophisticated army. But its legal basis is quite vague. The fact that Japanese constitution has never been revised makes the matter complicated.

My past entry: Self Defense Force and Constitution

Ruling Liberal Democratic Party has a strong will to establish the revised legislation regarding the security policy. But some politicians are hesitating to proceed the discussion, considering the strong hatred of the protesters against the bills.

I believe that the planners of this revision do not intend to begin a war at all. No Japanese want to be involved in the war. I partially understand the thoughts of people that expanding the activity of the self-defense force may cause international conflict. On the other hand, I am doubtful that we can keep the peace forever unless enhancing the activity of the national army.

To be honest, I would like to ask the protesters about two things.

(1) What has been keeping the peace of Japan since the WWII?
(2) What should we do to avoid from being involving in the war?

My answer to the question (1) is obvious: the alliance with the US. Some decades ago, many people were opposing to the revision of the security treaty between the US and Japan, similar to the present situation. But if the protesters' intention had been successful, Japan would have been invaded by Soviet, China, or North Korea, I think.

Therefore, I support this planning of the revision. However, It is difficult to answer the question (2). Nowadays, the US has no more absolute power to keep the peace of the world. It is uncertain that the alliance with the US is the best way. Nonetheless, it is no doubt that Japan has no opportunity to keep our lives alone such as Swiss. I will bet to the US, rather than the mid-east countries.

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