Monday, September 4, 2017

Good personality predicts future success?

There are massive hypotheses to determine the condition of success. Are people who are smart, born in a rich family, belong to a sophisticated group going to enjoy a successful life? Or, can some people be successful despite terrible situation around them?

Among many factors, there are two decisive conditions which are deemed as the key to success: money and intelligence. People in a rich cluster are likely to earn more money than poor people. And, intelligent persons who graduate a university get more salary than people who graduate only a high school. There is almost no doubt of the importance of these two factors.

Even if intelligence is an important factor for success, however, there are other possibilities around this. For example, some researchers claim that personality can predict the future success more precisely than intelligence. According to Nobel prize winner Heckman, the grades and achievement test results in childhood were good predictors of future life, not limited to income, but also criminal records, obesity, and self-reported life satisfaction.

Independent: Personality has greater impact on success than IQ, new research suggests

This report is very encouraging for many people who think themselves as not so smart or rich. Indeed, some highly intelligent people have a difficulty in dealing with other people in society. They are often arrogant, uncollaborative, or failing to show compassion to others. In other words, modesty, friendship, and conscience are essential for maintaining a good relationship with others. A man with these virtues should be called an uplight man.

However, personality trait is far difficult to be examined than intelligence, while intelligence itself is not to be measured in a simple way. It is also possible that a man who was liked by everyone in a community is hated in another community. Some troublesome characters can be valued in a specific situation. Furthermore, it is quite doubtful a person's personality trait can be visualized with simplified tests. Though Heckman said that school grade includes the evaluation of each pupil's personality, I do not believe school teachers could rank the students' personality properly, because the perception of each personality is altered through mutual relationship.

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