Thursday, March 19, 2020

Utilizing smell to good sleep

Smelling is one of the oldest senses human developed. We are usually unaware of our smell. Rather, deodorant is a modern trend in developed countries. But, once in an issue of instinct, this primitive sensor has a great role.

A recent finding suggests a lover's smell leads us to good sleep.

Mic: The scent of your partner's shirt could make you sleep better and longer

Smell is an important factor to make a couple also in human. We may identify our partner unintentionally with smell.

Also, in medical region, some researchers are eager to utilize the smell of human's tissue, or even urine, to diagnose cancer or other diseases in the early stage. According to latest paper, some bacteria can distinguish the smell of tissues produced with abnormal process.

In the modern era, sense of smell tends to be regretted. But it is possible to make use of it in an innovative way.

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