Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Daily activity should be prioritized in this situation

Japan, as well as other nations, is covered by the fear of corona viral infection. The stock price is falling down all over the world, while it is partially due to the breakdown of oil price. In Japan, Abe administration is eager to establish a law to enable a declaration of an emergent state.

In such a situation, everyone tend to lose temper. But, I have to emphasize that daily activity should be prioritized now.

In a critical state, adrenergic hormone is released excessively. It help us to move quickly, decide a courageous act, and become aggressive. On the other hand, adrenaline does damage to our health in a longitudinal view.

If you are upset, be aware to adhere your daily lifestyle. Enough sleep and regular diet are essential to maintain your health. Concentrate on your own task, not being anxious about vague things. Adequate exercise is beneficial.

I remember this matter when watching an article regarding climate change. In recent years, the degree of carbon emission is decreasing significantly, according to the media.

Climate change is a chronic issue which we cannot forget. There are many people to be engaging in this issue even now.

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