Monday, March 2, 2020

Ceasefire with Taliban

The US and Taliban representatives made a signature to stop the war in Afghanistan. This ceasefire terminated the conflict which was been continuous for a couple of decade.

Aljazeera: Afghanistan's Taliban, US sign agreement aimed at ending war

According to the agreement, the US troop will be withdrawn until this summer.

Afghan war has taken many lives both of natives and the US military. Donald Trump was eager to stop sacrificing US people. It is no doubt that this ceasefire will have an impact to the next Presidential election vote.

On the other hand, there are several phobias for foreign nations in the US citizens. Some aggressive people do not welcome the decision of withdrawal. Also, an attack of Taliban to take US soldiers' life brought hatred of Trump last year. It is not guaranteed that the peace will come soon to Afghan. I hope no more blood will be consumed for the conflict.

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