Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Low-carb diet prevent dementia?

The standard of nutrition frequently changes. Until recently, it was not recommended to eat multiple eggs in a day. But latest studies suggest that taking eggs would not contribute to increasing blood cholesterol.

As well, there is broad controversy regarding proper strategy for healthy diet. Some people recommend to reduce total amount of calories. Others emphasize the balance of carb and fat. Most researchers agree with the importance of exercise. But the magnitude of its effect is still under argument.

In recent, low-carb diet is popular for years. Many practitioners share the opinion that taking excessive carbohydrate, especially in a short time, is harmful. But why?

A recent study suggests the possibility that low-card diet reverses the aging of the brain, surprisingly.

The Guardian: Low-carb diet may reverse age-related brain deterioration, study finds

This article is written based on an academic paper published in PNAS. In this paper, the researchers claim brain deconstruction begins in late 40s. And changing diet to low-carb style will prevent the deterioration and even reverse the brain damage.

PNAS: Diet modulates brain network stability, a biomarker for brain aging, in young adults

The researchers hypothesize that brain degeneration while aging is accelerated by metabolic stress. They believe that the balance between glucose and ketone has a crucial role in brain damage.

However, they have not proven the concrete effect of low-carb diet on aging. As they mention, our dietary activity is so complex that it is difficult to make an experimental evidence.

At present, I believe the hypothesis that highly carb-dependent diet will harmful for your brain. But it is not sure how reducing carbohydrate is beneficial for cognitive function.

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