Monday, April 20, 2020

Agricola Revised Edition released

Agricola is a popular board game whose theme is management of a farm.

It is categorized as a worker placement type game. Each players use some workers to take an action every turn. The actions occupied by others cannot be available. Therefore, you have to predict what kind of actions opponents want to do.

Also, you have to feed your workers every harvest phase. If you add workers with an action, the amount of foods needed is increased. Balancing between storing foods and develop new products is essential to win this game.

Agricola had been the best board games chosen by players all over world for a long time on the site of BoardGameGeek. Many players sought the optimized strategy for maximizing victory points.

You can play Agricola on iPad. This app is well made. I have played it many times. The AI is not so strong, but I sometimes lose the game with a hard luck.

And very recently, Revised Edition of Agricola was released. The revised edition is a newly form of Agricola. The original version included some balance-breaking cards such as "Lover (immediately add one worker)" and "Taster (you can take an action in advance of every turn)." These cards were excluded or arranged  in the revised edition.

Unfortunately, the app of revised edition has some critical flaws. Card drafting rule is not introduced. The 5-players game is not available. Also, there are some serious bugs I found. I am waiting for the update.

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