Saturday, September 1, 2018

New Zealand's challenge for better treatment for prisoners

Prisons in New Zealand are going to be modified for better treatment of the dangerous prisoners.

In New Zealand prisons, Māori people are dominant despite its population occupies only 15%. And 90% of them are diagnosed with some mental disorders or addiction.

Therefore, the government decided to improve the quality of treatment for the prisoners. In the new scheme, prisoners will be able to touch the soil to harvest vegetables, as well as take a lesson in yoga.

The Guardian: Yoga, herbs and sunshine: New Zealand opens 'humane' jail for most violent inmates

Most people dislike prisoners, not surprisingly. Therefore, policy to invest in the welfare of prisoners is unpopular in many nations. Recent evidence suggests, however, improvement of the treatment for the prisoners decreases the rate of recidivism. Germany is an excellent example in this region.

By the way, the 90% of the prevalence rate of mental disorders is a little too high, I believe. Perhaps, the data was extracted from some prisons which incarcerate particular types of prisoners. In spite of a complicated relationship between mental disorder and crimes, not all the prisoners have a mental disorder, neither vice versa.

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