Friday, August 3, 2018

Lack of CO2 make Mars illivable

There are many dreams we have not achieved. Terraforming Mars is one of the universal desires of the human being.

In the previous centuries, some Sci-Fi writers described octopus-shaped aliens living on Mars. Nowadays, it is highly likely that there are no intelligent beings on Mars. Evidence suggesting some bacteria are on Mars is limited, while the discussion is yet to be resolved.

As well, studies to investigate the environment on Mars are proceeding. There is water on Mars, but most of it evaporates in a short time. Since the gravity level is only one-fifth of that on Earth, the density of the atmosphere is quite low.

A recent report was disappointing. Mars does not have enough carbon dioxide (CO2), according to the latest investigation. CO2 is one form of green gases. Lack of CO2 makes the surface temperature on Mars to low for humans to survive. Also, CO2 is essential for plants to grow. According to the article below, we have no technology to produce enough CO2 on Mars.

Independent: Mars cannot be terraformed so that we can live there because there is not enough carbon dioxide, scientists reveal

It is ironic that excessive CO2 makes the Earth warm. The cosmic plantation is not a fantasy. It will not, however, be feasible for decades.

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