Friday, August 17, 2018

Combination medication for hypertension

Hypertension is a traditional, but even now severe, disease. If untreated for a long time, you will suffer from deadly complications such as cerebral infarction.

Therefore, many pharmaceutical companies have been attempting drugs to decrease blood pressure level. There are dozens of drugs available all over the world.

Recently, a combination of three drugs is promised as an effective way to treat hypertension. The triplet is composed of telmisartan, amlodipine, and chlorthalidone. Each of them is used as a medication. The researchers claim that this combination will effectively reduce the risk of heart events in patients with slightly high blood pressure.

Independent: Blood pressure triple pill could help protect millions from heart attacks and strokes, trial finds

Indeed, newly developed drugs are very expensive. Also, they have a potential risk of adverse effects that have not been identified yet. Traditional cheap and well-known drugs are good alternatives for several patients.

On the other hand, I am doubtful of the efficacy of combination drugs. There are no examples of successful combinative drugs at least in the region of psychiatry. The more elements are, the more risks of allergic reaction and other side effects emerge due to their complexity.

If this "Triumph" is truly effective, the situation in the medication of hypertension may be dramatically changed. Nonetheless, taking care of your daily life will still be important for maintaining your blood pressure level, as the researchers say.

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