Friday, October 5, 2018

Four-day working experiment is successful in New Zealand

A New Zealander company made an innovational social experiment. In the company, Perpetual Guardian, four-day working was taken into the trial for two months.

'No downside': New Zealand firm adopts four-day week after successful trial

As a result, workers reported improved satisfaction and reduced stress level. They could consider life-work balance more deeply. The company deemed this experiment as entirely successful and plans to introduce it with broader level.

In general, the less work we have to, the more we are pleased. We want to enjoy our life. Work is not an absolute goal but a means to enjoy our life. As far as fully paid, we welcome reduced work time.

Therefore, what we should examine is not the satisfaction level of the employees, I believe. The quantity of products will be decreased when working hour is limited, even if productivity itself is improved. It is doubtful that the company will be able to keep total income with reduced work. It is possible that companies consisting of employees with long vacation will lose competitiveness, unfortunately.

Mechanization makes us free from manufactural tasks. Necessary labor to survive will be reduced to almost zero in the near future. But, it does not mean we will live without any work. Creating values is indispensable for earning money. And we need money for a better life, at least as far as capitalism is working. It takes a long time unless we become free from work.

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