Saturday, October 6, 2018

Dystopia with AI will never come

Currently, AI attracts public attention frequently. Some people dream the future in which we live comfortably with good robots. But others are fearful about dystopia.

The author of the article below seems to be the latter. Some risks of violating the human rights by AI are suggested. For example, AI will get rid of our creative jobs. Also, our freedom of speech is limited more strictly than AI in some nations.

The Conversation: Could an artificial intelligence be considered a person under the law?

Some famous people such as Eron Musk are also skeptical or negative to the future with AI. But, I do not support these ideas the author suggests.

First, the legal responsibility belongs to the human exclusively. Nobody is satisfied when an AI program is punished for the damage it inflicted to others.

Second, versatile AI is far from completion. For some decades, the subject of discussion will be limited to specific AI. Then, AI is a tool rather than our partner.

Third, some AI will be more intelligent to us, indeed. But, the structure of this issue is similar to animals than the human being. Even now, some animals are cleverer than some people with severe intellectual disability. Nonetheless, animals cannot be superior to humans. We should be equally respected regardless of our ability. AI need not be respected. The programmer should be.

For these reasons, I do not believe AI will threaten the human right.

On the other hand, we should be cautious about the usage of AI. AI is a good tool but can be destructive, like atomic weapons. Some legislation will be needed for controlling the usage not for controlling AI itself.

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