Friday, February 28, 2020

Avengers: Endgame, the end of Captain and Ironman

The last year, we encountered several historic endings of saga.

X-Men series produced by 20th Century Fox was terminated by Dark Phoenix. Also, Star Wars saga was finished by the last episode: The Rise of Skywalker.

But, I have to mention "Avengers: Endgame" first.

It is the last episode of Avengers and the sequence of Marvel Cinematic Universe. To be honest, the MCU series is succeeded to Spiderman: Far from Home. But everyone will identify Endgame is the finale of MCU saga.

This film begins with a decisive defeat of Infinity War. Ironman is left on Titan. Hawkeye loses his wife and daughter due to decimation by Thanos. Furthremore, since Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones, there is no way to recover the universe. What is an ultimate tragedy!

In this film, some people struggling in the dystopia for the better future are described. And Captain America is encouraging them at the same state of them. In this scene, he is not a superhero but an ordinary man.

On the other hand, Ironman makes a baby with Pots. He tries to forget the painful memory of the last battle to stay peacefully with his family.

Captain and Ironman had never shared their vision. In "Captain America 3: Civil War," they fought with each other. But, in Endgame, they firstly shake hands for the final victory.

In the middle of this movie, some key persons of Captain and Ironman appear with their young figure. Their interactions let me cry with empathy.

Finally, the hero team encounters the archenemy Thanos and his deadly troop again. I believe the final battle scenes will be memorized as one of the greatest action scenes. Captain grabs the Thor's hummer. Doctor Strange stop the tidal wave with his magic power. Wanda strikes her hateful force to Thanos. And Captain Marvel, the most powerful hero, destroys Thanos' space flagship.

I could not see the final scene without tears. Endgame is the end of Avengers, truly.

personal rating: 5 (excellent)

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