Saturday, March 3, 2018

Geostorm, an unrealistic disastrous movie

I watched Geostorm in the airplane recently. It was one I expected to see in the cinema.

The hero of this film is Jake Lawson, an engineer who was the leader of the team to create a large climate satellite. The satellite "Dutch Boy" was constructed by an international group to fix the world-class climate changes. However, Jake was expelled from the team because of his frank and aggressive behaviors. Jake's brother replaces him.

One day, Dutch Boy is compromised by someone, and several disasters occur. Jake's brother is ordered to make Jake return to the team. Jake accepts the offer and goes to the satellite. In the satellite base, Jake encounters an accident, smelling someone's conspiracy. He suspects there is a villain in the US. Concurrently, Dutch Boy is no more controllable, and "geostorm," the world catastrophe is coming soon.

The plot is well constructed. Who has caused the dysfunction of the satellite is the main mystery. The conclusion was rational I felt.

On the other hand, description of several disasters is terrible. They are unrealistic at all. For example, The waves approaching the seashore become frozen in a second. It is no more a natural disaster, but an illusion!

Why do we fear as well as worship nature? It may be due to nature's massive power and rath. This movie has failed to describe the greatness of nature. Instead, merely fantastic scenes are featured.

If there were no satellite in this film, the storyline would be the same. It is the most significant flaw in this film.

Personal Rating: 2 (poor)

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