Sunday, November 12, 2017

My first home VR

I bought a head-mount display.

A smartphone can be attached to this display. I can 3D virtual reality movies through it.

The structure of the display is very simple. VR movies are recorded with two screens each of them corresponds to the right and the left eye. The two images are combined with the display into dynamic vision. 3D movies can be recorded easily with newly developed smartphones.

I was surprised to watch some movies such as Star Wars and roller coaster.

Star Wars: Hunting the fallen

VR Roller Coaster - Best 3D SBS VR Roller Coaster for Google Cardboard

In VR vision, you can turn your eyes vertically and horizontally. According to your move, the vision will tremor.

An ordinal smartphone and an attachment which cost only 20 USD  can make such a vivid VR. It is fantastic. In contrast, providers of expensive VR gadgets such as PlayStation VR will suffer from the difficulty to gain the share of consumers.

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