Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Porn movies extinction in EU?

Today a little terrible news appeared on my timeline. Report says EU may ban all of porn movies from the internet.

EU To Vote On Proposal That Could Ban All Online Pornography

EU parliament will decide to ban all forms of pornography to protect the rights of women.
According to Huffington Post, reported on the news more detailed, to be worried about is abuse of the new legislation.

European Porn Ban: EU Proposal Seeks To Regulate Internet, Ban 'All Pornography In The Media'

Regulation against subculture is not so simple. There are some problems about this matter I think.

1) Is prohibition of a certain expression good?
Freedom of expression is commonly accepted as human right all over the world. Of course, an expression which is likely to invade other people must be restricted. But to distinguish illegal porn movies form arts is very difficult. Many examples of trial exist about it.

2) Is pornography invading right of women?
There is a lot of wicked movies or photography which abuse women. They must be erased completely. On the other hand, some women are willing to strip to exhibit themselves. Moreover there are porn movies also for women now.

3) Does the prohibition of pornography reduce the cases of sexual abuse?
It is controversial whether pornography drives men to sex offenses or not. Even if it is true, it is doubtful that extinction of porn movies makes sex crime cases reduced. If porn is prohibited, the illegal sex industry would rise.

I guess that no one is opposed to eradicate invasion of right of women. For the purpose to make the means effective and reasonable is needed.


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